Thursday, November 1, 2018

I've Missed Writing

And how.....

It's been two months. When I sat down to write today, while I thought I'd write about the visit to Tirupathi that I'm just back from, what came first was this thought that 'I'd missed writing'.

And then it started to feel like a deja vu. 

Pluses of a blog, almost like an alter ego space. I went and put in search word 'writing', and I was amazed to read what came up from two years close to what I'd want to say now, that I decided to just post the same thing :)

A couple things I'd like to add though; while I primarily write for the love of writing itself, to hear it was missed is a whole other wonderful feeling : 

Mom: " I think my ipad has a technical glitch, I've been trying and it's each time opening an old post". (glitch was here ma, not in your ipad)

Vijji aunty calls, and even without a hello says "What Is Wrong With You??!!?? "(well well, closer to the truth than you know aunty :)

Swaroop: " what's up Smitha akka.....the silence is deafening"

Girija "It struck me only now that if not for your blog I would have missed so many wonderful, meaningful stories, events,'s what I start my day with.....really missing it re..."

Now you know why that wonderful feeling. It added so much more meaning and feeling.....thanks much for having let me know.

ooops....forgot to add the other post. Will do that separately, this one can be just to get into the feel of being back :)

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