Sunday, November 25, 2018

A Little Refresher

This is excerpts of something simple and sweet, that came into my inbox this morning......

None of it may be new, in some form or the other, we've read, been told.....but one thing I learnt from my Google days "repetition doesn't spoil the prayer".

It's as good as that refreshing cup of coffee each morning, definitely beats the newspaper :)

5 “Notes to Self” About the Precious Little Time You Have Left


1. Your entire life can be customized from day to day.

There are hundreds of people in every town on Earth who live their entire lives on the default settings, never realizing they can customize everything. Don’t be one of them. Don’t settle for the default settings in life.

The life you create from doing something that moves and excites you is far better than the life you get from sitting around wishing you were doing it.

2. The willingness to do hard things makes life worth living.

Truth be told, one of the most important abilities you can develop in life is the willingness to accept and grow through life’s challenges and discomforts. Because the best things are often hard to come by, and if you shy away from hard work and discomfort, you’ll miss out on them entirely. 

3. Opportunity is only ever found in the present.

Some people wait all day for 5pm, all week for Friday, all year for the holidays, all their lives for happiness and peace. Don’t be one of them. The secret to happiness and peace is letting this moment be what it is, instead of what you think it should be.

4. Daily kindness is a beautiful legacy to leave behind.

Through kindness you have the ability to make a profound difference in every life you touch, including your own.  So just keep reminding yourself that you will end up terribly disappointed if you expect people will always do for you as you do for them.  

5. Everything will change again, faster and sooner than expected.

Nothing lasts. Everything changes. Day to day is a winding journey.

As human beings we are constantly outgrowing what we once thought we couldn’t live without, and falling in love with what we didn’t even know we wanted. Life literally keeps leading us on journeys we would never go on if it were up to us. Don’t be afraid. Find the lessons. Trust the journey.

To a greater or lesser extent, we all know deep down that life is short, and that our mortality—our inevitable demise—will catch up to each and every one of us eventually. And yet we are infinitely surprised when it catches up to somebody we know. 

It’s like walking up a long flight of stairs with a distracted mind and miscalculating the final step. You expected there to be one more stair than there is, but there isn’t, and so you find yourself off balance, tripping over yourself for a while, until your mind shifts back to the present moment and the reality of how life really is.

Let’s take a deep breath right now and take this to heart.

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