Friday, March 10, 2017

The Drive Itself

4th March - The drive from Bangalore to Hyderabad

Considering it was just Diksha and me, we wanted to start early, but this was one time we couldn't. We had to do the house handover in the morning, and by the time we set off it was noon.

Diksha's last hug to Goldy and Skippy

This was senti (pun intended) bye to the garden ...I find the fragrance of ganeru intoxicating ( and I'd taken that plant as a little sapling when I'd moved from hyd, so more special significance)

And we were off

The road between Blore and Hyd is a dream stretch, beautiful, not crowded, mixed terrain, some ghats included.... very enjoyable indeed. When the packers in Hyd asked how the car had come, and I told them, they said in raw amazement "bachee ne saara 600 kms drive kiya? "

Such empty stretches, that it wasn't for a long while that I even realized that Diksha was doing between 130 and 140 kph

A pretty town on the way

A tough sight.....Diksha was at first like.."why would you want a picture of an overturned lorry ma, it's insensitive". And I was trying to tell her there's no good or bad to it, it's a happening......and then she's like.....ok " maybe it's a PS; Drive Safe"

I have to add...we did brilliant music all the way..... a whopping 83 songs . These particular CDs are now like our long drive anthem, and adds the right touch. This time even more literally....when we started it, it started with the line 'something's telling me.... I must go home' It was an uncanny moment.

On this really dry stretch, there was this lone shepherd....a really old man gesticulating with an empty water bottle, and Diksha actually pulled over ( at that speed it took her that distance to even pull over) and that's her, walked back to give him water (she gave off the bottle)

Our lunch halt. This Blue Moon guy had boards starting about forty kms before location and it sure built up the expectation. He delivered too. We had lovely tandoor roti, andaa burji, and dal fry, washed down with buttermilk. 

Sunset on the way ( as I was advised to cover as much distance as possible before dark, our coffee stop was post dusk)

Diksha and Bruce ( that's what the figo's called)...........thanks for that lovely drive 'back home'.

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