Sunday, October 14, 2018

Original Wisdom

'Original Wisdom - Stories Of An Ancient Way of Knowing' by Robert Wolff

A book that you feel, more than read.  

Robert Wolff, working in Kaula Lampur got to stay with and know several of the aborigines of Malay. To the extent that he got accepted by them enough to learn their ways of being (they believe in enabling learning rather than teaching).

He writes his experiences almost as they happened to him. A way of life when each person was so connected..... not just into others of the community, but into the naturalness of things.  Where they seem so part of nature that they can feel and communicate with trees and animals, and live as one with their environment. 

A world where extra sensory perceptions, energies, emotions and intentions underly life.... and how intuitions enable decisions and actions.

It's a life that seems to take as natural the concept of one consciousness. An instance in example: as practice, each morning the group sits together to discuss their dreams, puts together pieces of each others dream, and uses that as direction for the day.  According to them dreams are an alternate world, and more real than the physical one.  And Robert was able to bring this practice into his regular life, and piece together the message by imagining the group from the community. 

The naturalness is so pervasive that there is no structure or ownership, be it of property or people, no concept of family, finding ones own work by choice,  a natural way of healing and a space of joy and being.

Most aborigines in the world have been moved away from their habitat and legacy, and in that, to atleast get a glimpse of what it was.....  a book worth reading.

Swaroop, thanks for the book. 

Your sending it that day by speed post was more well timed than you know. It reached me the day I was leaving for Hawaii, and I even carried it with me. Had I read it then, I might have got to meet Robert Wolff, who has now settled in Hilo, Hawaii :)

1 comment:

  1. Gives you another reason for a new trip to Hilo.
