Sunday, May 22, 2016

E motions - Energy in Motion

Yesterday's post was like a sutra, and a teaser....but now to understand it in depth :)

Today, be it through physics (science) or metaphysics (spiritual) we all know that 'everything' is energy.

So also are emotions. Emotions are 'Energy in Motion'. And just from definition, you can tell this is something that needs to flow. And.....Anything which needs to flow, when clogged can create a mess.

So also Emotions. And the mess they create is not just stress and worry, that's at the most superficial level.....deeper down they translate into actual psychological and physiological issues. All disorders and dis eases have their root cause in unacknowledged and unexpressed emotions. (this is also what we saw in 'Emotional Intelligence')


First some historical context:

Let's go way back to primitive times. Primitive man functioned mostly off primal instinctual, sex and sleep. Pretty close to the instincts we see in animals today.

The process of evolution.....over two million years, and man developed each of these into these enormous super structures. In came cognitive rational thinking, and then developed memory, where each generation could then build on the earlier generation's learning, and there was a massive explosion in the brains capacity to process information.

As thinking grew, so did structure, norms and rules. As we needed to subscribe to rules, we developed inhibitory responses. can't do what you want to do. It creates a complex web of emotions. The more the rules, the more the repressions. And that's the start of a breakdown.

If you observe, animals don't fall sick ( domestic ones are beginning to, but that's because we've moved them away from natural environment, actually taught them to feel emotions), but animals in the wild don't. There's also no fossilized evidence of any human disease.

Emotions are 'Energy in Motion'.

Most of us may not even have thought about this, but even the etymological roots for motion and emotion are virtually identical. Movere, from the Latin, means to move. Exmovere or emovere means to move out, hence to excite. So taking action or not stirs something up, moves something inside of us.

And when this energy cannot be dissipated, it moves inward....internalization of feelings. And as we all know, energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed. So this energy then gets dense and attaches itself to an associated organ inside of the body. And that messes with that part of the body. Repressed emotions. Internalized. Physiological impact.

'The mind is the invisible body and the body is the visible mind'

Even Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, said that all diseases are a function of character, attributes and personalities. But this somehow evolved into a focus only on the physiological. 

We all have a lot of repressed emotions inside of us. And the more we can acknowledge and release, the more complete and healthy and happy we are.

For the current moment, it's about complete acknowledgement and expression. For what already is, there a lot of tools that help. Enable a connect, an acknowledgement and a release, at different levels. Meditation, Vipassana, Yoga, Pranic Healing, Acupressure, Sujok, Reiki..........all of these work on energy release, and they are all acknowledged healing mechanisms.

Hypnotherapy is one such, as it helps connect back with the issue, and so with the repressed emotions, be it in current life way back to the womb, and even beyond. The one difference is that here it's also cognitive, works through the conscious mind.

"Most people walk through the world in a trance of disempowerment. Our work is to transform that into a trance of empowerment". ~ Dr. Milton H. Erickson (Pioneer in Hypnotherapy)


  1. Hmmm... is all that I seem to be able to say!

  2. So what you are saying is that rules build walls, walls build restrictions, restriction which created repressed emotions. So the nation or family with the highest restrictive laws and rules will tend to have an upsurge in diseases. No wonder we see this wild fire if diseases thought out the world. Milton Erickson really nailed this in his words!.....i need to think.....

  3. Hey Ajit, Nice to see you here !
    And guess yes, at a macro level lots of societal norms and culture is nation specific...India having the dubious distinction of being the Diabetes capital of the world could be one such instance, and at a micro level,from family and environment.
    I can easily think of instances in my own past where I can associate specific disorders with underlying emotional issues of the time. And yeah...Think ..Think...and then tell also :)
