Saturday, May 14, 2016

A Conversation With Dhruva

This was a mind boggling half hour to me, and that's why it's coming in here.

Yesterday I'm telling Dhruva about a recent energy healing experience, and it's fragile space, as I'm talking to a hard core rationalist and atheist..... and as is want with me in such situations, I'm just going all over the place. (memory from his school, about seven years back... he was doing a project on the book 'The Secret', and when I asked how it was going, he'd said, 'it's all like that crap that you talk about ma' )

A chance find.....guess to show me a perspective of time and growth :)

And fast forward to yesterday.... you could have dropped me with a feather when I hear him say  "our dreams are a clear instance of a parallel reality.... the universe is itself made of an intelligence....."

And he goes on to to tell me about how we view time as linear, but it actually just is....and I'm like so stumped, I said explain how, and he actually did. 

He picks up this book and says, let's say we are like two dimensional figures on a page, and then there's a line that cuts through the book, and then you flip the pages and you see it as linear and moving, but that's only our perception because we don't have the senses needed to perceive beyond three dimensions...... Time only is.

Now you get why I could have been knocked down by a feather :)

It's a beautiful experience when you see your children reach a stage where they have not just understood, but can explain to you a concept that you've been grappling with. I was touched.


  1. what a beautiful picture <3

    also, you guys should watch Interstellar together :)

  2. Thanks Sags, and....we did, both of us two times :)
