Friday, May 27, 2016

500 Posts

A milestone I want to acknowledge.......because it's one, of such a dear dear journey.

And it's truly wonderful, more so because it's one experience above a lot others, which has let me experience a true..... 'being in the flow'.

Time spent writing, is time lived in a different zone.

And during busy and full days, (which has become the norm these days), it's a real challenge to find the time. Yet, I find it happening......willingly, enthusiastically and joyfully....undiluted 'being in the flow'. It's almost become like a connect with myself.

And to mark the 500, I thought I'd pick out ten of my personal favorites....... little realizing just how challenging that can be. Also showed me a kind of narcissistic streak in myself........I just got so lost in my own writings, just cherishing the experiences all over again.

Picking ten was tough ....I liked so many ( narcissist already confessed :). So, considering the connect within and stuff, I thought I'd keep it limited to my own journey..... guess the whole blog is...but still:

1) My very first post:
I'd just joined SELCO, back in Aug 2014, and had come back from a visit to a small village about 60 kms off Mysore, and I was telling this friend about it...... and I was so excited, that he's like, 'you should record this somewhere...beyond your own diary... why don't you consider a blog'. That's how it started....and there's been no looking back. Gratitude pal, full on gratitude !

2) Vipassana:
Guess my most intense experience with myself. Life shifted gears here. Also, my concept of time and space changed.
Time : I experienced my longest ever 'one hours' , and at the other end, the whole ten days seemed to have disappeared into some kind of a time warp. When I walked out after ten days, it was like I hadn't been gone at all.
Space: A deep dip into the vast vast expanse within.

3) To my Dad:
Typically we don't get to saying all that our parents mean to us..... maybe in bits and pieces, here and there, but this gave me an opportunity to say it in one piece, at one go.
I'm as deeply grateful, and so deeply appreciative of the ever deepening connect with my mom. (jeez...that's a lot of deeps, but I'm keeping them :). At this point, let me suffice it with 'I wouldn't be where I am without your quiet and complete acceptance and understanding....and today I know, even more than before......there's nothing bigger than that'. Love you ma.
Gratitude to both, for all the fun and learnings, and for sheer existence too :)

4) The Kite Rescue and The Cat Rescue
These are for Dhruva and Diksha. While there are a lot of spheres I can talk about them and their growth, for here, I'll stay with their compassion and commitment to what they believe in. This exemplified through these two completely separate, though strangely similar incidents. Kanna and Deech, Proud of you !

5) Kiwi: How can I leave Kiwi out. An integral and fulfilling part of ones life. He was the best !

6) Diary Writing:
This I guess is where the love of writing began. So it just had to come in here. And now I also realize it's a huge detox mechanism :)

7) The EF Final story:
This is a nice space into which a lot of earlier dots connect. A gratifying journey, which neatly began, and ended in this phase....... exemplifying and encapsulating a whole process that I can now extrapolate into all that I do.
In terms of travel and experience, the year was unparalleled, and I can but pick, with difficulty, a couple of the visits to find entrepreneurs: Bihar - 6 days and 1600 kms and A visit to Hoskote

8) An Year into Blogging: Guess that was another milestone in this journey, and by virtue of the fact that it brings out more specifically what it means to me, it earns itself a space here :)

9) 'An Years'.... in Bangalore and With SELCO, and Since Google : No points for guessing....significant year for sure.
If Blogging was the internal journey, in Bangalore was the personal, and with SELCO the work. Google because, it was the path and the learning.
It's all overwhelming space. So a gratitude there to the universe and all in it who enabled it to happen.

10) The Road Trips with Diksha: Bidar, Coorg, Hyd, and Coonoor.  These were a manifestation of 'breaking boundaries'.... each of those trips broke a new boundary. Experiences which touched a core. Deech, my partner in crime...thanks sweetie, and ever glad it's you !

11) Mastani Mahal: This one's coming in, because ever since it's been written, there's not a day that goes by when it doesn't get a hit, the single highest hits post ....... and it's also a very close to the heart experience.

12) An acknowledgement: And in this I also want to put in My list of top books that influenced me, as that's deeper acknowledgement !

14) Five Generations: A personal favorite...and a chance to again acknowledge ammamma.

Jeez, I know I said ten, and went way over.....but I'm sure you'll get it....internal journey,  gratitude, overwhelmed..... and all of that :)

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