Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Why Negativity trumps Positivity

We’ve all heard of how that ‘one apple spoils the entire basket’, and I’m sure we’ve seen this happen, especially at work places. There's this one negative influence, and other people somehow get impacted by it. Why is it that we’re willing to pick up or react to negative influences so quick, but the same doesn’t apply as much to positive influence? Like, the negative influences tend to last and get carried forward, but the positive ones are short lived and forgotten so quick.

I read this article from David Maxfield which talks of why this happens; Here’s a synopsis
  • Humans are designed to be risk averse: It’s apparently our survival instincts that kick in. The emotional part of our brain automatically focuses on danger and that’s why even people who are normally positive pay more attention to negative than to positive information
  • Trust issues: People would rather react with suspicion when they hear nice things about themselves, and become skeptical, but when it’s something negative, they are ready to believe without using their own judgement
  • Too many people count on others to speak up for them: Most people are too timid to speak for themselves. The people who do speak up fall into two camps: those especially skilled at crucial conversations and those who aren't. Those especially skilled folks know how to speak up in ways that are frank, honest, and respectful. Those who are especially unskilled are honest, but offensive, and may not even realize how negative they actually are.
  • Tit for Tat- disrespectful behavior: When someone is disrespectful, others often respond with disrespect—tit-for-tat. As a result, disrespect becomes a poison that spreads quickly through a team.
  • Negativity is a habit that’s hard to break: We’ve all observed this unfortunate truth. People commit to stop complaining, rumor-mongering, or being disrespectful, but then fall back in to their old ways.
Each of these moments of awareness is that one step closer to the awakening which will enable a move away from the negative, and towards a more positive and joyous life.  Worth becoming aware, what say?


  1. It is easier to be negative as it involves no action no challenges no requirement vis a vis positivity which requires a free heart mind soul efforts to see at least 180 degrees . Most of the time people do not realize or accept the negativity and not willing to make themselves aware . So sad. Much energy is lost by both - person with negativity and others countering or dealing with them.

  2. That's a lot said in three lines...... so well articulated too. I really like the free heart mind soul effort to positivity, nice aspirational place to be.
