Monday, December 1, 2014

Mindset - An Inherent Trap

The frame work we think out of is constituted of mindsets we've created for ourselves over the years. The habits, the environment, the emotions, the relationships that we grow up with. It's what moulds our default reactions. And then we try and become more aware, and attempt to live life at a more conscious level. We see, we learn and we grow, and in that effort, we're changing our perspectives, our attitudes, and yes, our mindsets. It's not a smooth or constant growth graph though. You think you've cracked it, and changed too, but without even knowing it, we slip back into old patterns ever so often. That's a pitfall we really need to watch for. This came through so clearly from a recent experience:

I drove down from Hyderabad to Bangalore, and the drive itself was beautiful, but soon as I drove into Bangalore, within half hour I’d broken three traffic signals, and I couldn't understand why it was happening. I’m otherwise extremely conscientious of traffic rules, so it had me puzzled, and I attributed it to fatigue or focus on GPS. That was three months back. Of course I'd settled in and driven right since. Last week, I’d gone back to Hyderabad for four days, and the day I got back I again broke two signals. And that was a wake up call. Now, I was left wondering why, until I realized that the traffic signals at Bangalore were at a different height, and just four days out of Bangalore and I'd fallen back into old pattern. 

Wonder how many things in life we approach with such pre-set views, that even after becoming aware, consciously changing attitude.........some trigger somewhere and falling back into pattern happens so naturally. It would be only fair to assume that we approach a lot of life with set views that have become habit. It’s true that habits die hard. Needs that much more resolve and awareness I guess. 

Of course, needless to say, you only want to get rid of mindsets which are dragging you down. The positive mindsets are your trump cards  :)

Forever Amber
Forever Amber (a lovely book too, on par with Gone with the wind)........ while some say the yellow stands for caution, to me it's 'get ready'......... there's impending change, either to green or to red. Forever amber it is ..........ever aware !

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