Monday, October 13, 2014

Mind...... IN ......the Body

What the hell does that even mean, right?

We normally talk of the 'I' as being Body, Mind and Soul. For the purpose of this write up, let’s just stay with The Body and The Mind. The Body and the Mind are considered two distinct entities, and the association is typically understood as the mind being somewhere in the head, agreed? Like more in the brain kinds.

Confusing? Let me try again….like when we are emotionally upset or stressed out, we think we need to rationalize with it, like to sort out the mind, and we need to think to rationalize and deal with the emotion. Like use the head.

Even Google throws up stuff like this when you search images for 'mind'.

But I'm making a shift here, essentially connecting a few dots from different sources.

I’ve been hearing how the mind and even emotions are actually spread all over the body. Like they are or rather it is, a physical entity.

This trip first started at the Past Life Regression sessions I’d taken a couple of years back (This is essentially a guided trip down your subconscious memory, through this life and maybe beyond). After a few sessions my facilitator told me that I was stuck, he said there was some event or emotion that was causing a high level of stress and I needed to let that go. And I didn’t even know it existed, so how was I going to let it go?

And he said I should do three things for a couple of weeks 1) Yoga or aerobics everyday 2) Meditate if possible twice a day and 3) Get at least two full body massages.

What came as a surprise was the explanation he gave me. He said, I didn’t need to think about it to deal with it. The memory of that event, or rather the stress that it had caused was sitting as a physical entity in my joints he said. And as it was there for a while now, so it was kind of settled and stuck. It’s like a clogged pipeline that needed clearing he said. Since I’d decided I would completely surrender to the process, I did all that he said. Not that I understood too much.

Then came the Vipassana, when we were told that the mind existed in every cell of our body. And if we wanted to be aware, we needed to have every cell alive and active. The meditation technique is entirely based on this principle in Vipassana.

And recently I came across this article:

Medical Scientist Candice Pert showed the presence of a natural morphine or endorphin within the body, and she proposed that our emotions are information molecules that circulate throughout the body. The bunch of molecules that we term’ fear molecules’ cause the following : weakness in the knees, nausea in the stomach, tension in the chest, trembling of the hands, and perspiration of the forehead.

Molecules of emotion connect with receptors on each cell in our body. The connection also results in multiplying those receptors on its surface, making the body exquisitely sensitive to the next round of similar emotion.

Your body is eventually your unconscious mind. If you constantly live in fear, you soon develop a ‘fear body’. If you live in pain, we carry a ‘pain body’. If you live joyfully, you experience a ‘bliss body’.

All of these molecules, including the bliss molecules are available within the body. We just need to know how to access them. Romance releases love molecules. A body massage, fondling a pet, meditation, all produce well being molecules. Strenuous physical exercise results in the release of both endogenous morphine and bliss molecules. Seeking novelty, setting goals and achieving them, charges you up with reward molecules and confidence molecules.

Do you see the line between the physical and the psychic blur? 

It’s a subtle shift, a very subtle shift in perception, but if you start to become aware of this, and reach to where you imbibe it, it could mean a whole new approach to life……… and possibly a life nearer to bliss. 

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