Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Creepy funny this was !

So, yesterday, I’m dusting my book shelf and browsing through some old R K Laxman books there, and I’m thinking it would be nice to put some of these on the blog, but then I wish it was his birthday or something, just so there’s some context. 

And this morning, I’m looking at the newspaper, and honest to god, you could have knocked me down with a twig, when I find this snippet in the paper.

It was actually his birthday yesterday !

So, here are a few of his cartoons, for old times sake and as a dedication

And there's a little story behind those books too. This was all of 20+ years back, an inane office conversation and I was telling this friend, and sadly too, that I thought I didn't have a sense of humor. And two days later I get this set of books delivered at home by parcel with a note, which said, now tell me that you don't have a sense of humor. And I guess it actually took me that to realize it was just a different sense of humor :)

Nobody better than R K Laxman on wit and irreverance in daily life, huh?


  1. I agree. Subtle relevant gently mocking humor was Laxmanji forte. The common man was like you me hundreds of us out there. Helpless, confused, hopeful,patient,tolerant common man.

  2. Dear Mountain Dweller,
    Just to say, thanks for being there..... You make a difference.
    Smitha :)

  3. Your are welcome because your choice of subjects is really intriguing as there is no pattern yet there is a method in madness.
