Saturday, December 1, 2018

Mother - Daughter Trips

Why is this even a 'thing' to write about?

Well, because I figured it had become a 'thing' in my life. It's grown so subtly and organically that it's not until yesterday that I saw how it's etched it's own space in our lives. With my mother, and with my and me trips, and the Diksha and me trips.

Couple days back Mom and I happened to watch a movie together, Dhadak.....and while we both enjoyed the movie, what came out is also "Chalo, lets do a trip to Udaipur" (movie is mostly based out of Udaipur)

Yesterday was her it became this more special thought.....and that's what set me thinking on the journey (pun intended)

My first mom daughter trip, was just Diksha and me, taking off on a road trip to Bidar, five years back that was. That was the testing of waters trip. Folks in the family was quite  naturally concerned, especially as it was a road trip. 

Justifiably so too........first trip we not only got was pouring like crazy, off the highway.....a kuccha road, totally isolated, gps wouldn't work, no phone connectivity........ we eventually manage to reach the resort to find it's in the middle of nowhere, and we're the only occupants there. Have to admit we spent a tense and scary first day there...and it did put me through times I could have kicked myself. 

But then, each time we overcame such obstacles it only made our resolve firmer and possibilities wider.  You learn that 'risk taking'  is a relative and flexible capability, one driven more by fear than knowledge. As your fear drops, your horizon stretches.

Bidar was just the beginning. We've both since done trips to Coorg, Pondicherry, Coonoor, Munnar, Ajmer, Ooty.......and most of them road trips, which is a whole different experience in itself. Each enabling the breaking of more barriers. For instance, I'd always believed I couldn't drive the ghats....was so wonderful to be proved wrong.

And then with mom, that was a new start too, an inspired start. Just mom and me have done Tirupathi, and Amritsar...and one to Goa (with vijji aunty too) .......each bringing out different facets of experience. Guess it's from there that the now inspiration for Udaipur comes.

Each of those trips enables a deepening of not just external frontiers, but internal ones as well. The experiences touching emotional spaces that etch the relationship with something texturally rich weaving of an exotic tapestry. 

It's this realization, and the gratitude for having been able to do so many 'duo' trips with my mother, and with my daughter that made me want to give it it's own special space.

Some pictures from these trips that the recall rekindled:







Munnar, more recently. I can almost see Diksha grow from a girl to be looked after, into a woman who can stand shoulder to shoulder ( or a few inches more :) through these pictures....

This one is special.....with Nandi (our car got christened by Diksha on this trip).....loyal companion on so many road trips

Ma, and Diksha.......hard to find words to say just how much these trips are cherished. Get set for Udaipur ma, your casual thought has taken seed :)

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