Saturday, December 29, 2018

Coffee and Ruminations

It's that time of year

A time when you want to look back... look back and see, what has been, how it's been, relive what you like, gather takeaways, recognize those you imbibed, reiterate the ones you still want to. So much possible rumination.

the prettiest cup of coffee I've had

Each of us approaches the turn of the year our own way, be it recap and introspective time...or wild party time ....or both, or somewhere in between......but there's no denying it's special. I've heard kids sitting on the beach, quite sloshed and recounting experiences of the year......after all we all follow the same calendar.

This is another big bonus of writing a blog........a nicely encapsulated space of the years experiences. 

You'd think you remember, but our mind can nicely skew things. A browse of the years archives, and trust me, I had my share of surprises.

I saw that I had done a fair amount of travel this year as well. Hawai'i was so long wise and intense wise, that it had pushed other trips into background. Also saw that I'd gone pretty low on movies, and what's more, low on books as well. Had gotten on to some new projects...some picking up traction.....and some not. Like the railway time's all at a glance.

I thought my highlights would be 'travel' and 'learnings'......and then saw how there were several beautiful experiences hidden there......the forever moments, the ones that add magic to life.

This post is like preface....will wait to see how the actual recap goes :)

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