Sunday, January 7, 2018

Lost in Time - Namita Gokhale

A fascinating and wonderful read.

Made me feel like I was listening to a magical story.....on a rainy day, warm blanket, steaming cup of coffee, when anything can seem true. Couldn't help but pause to wonder at her wonderful style of writing,  the humor, the wildly imaginative mind, and the depth and profundity of story.

Lost in Time - Ghatotkacha and the Game of Illusions by Namita Gokhale.

A story on time travel, and a strange and intense friendship between a fourteen year old boy from Gurgaon, and Ghatotkacha, the first born son of the Pandavas.

Young Chintamani Dev Gupta, sent on on a bird watching camp at Lake Sat Tal, finds himself transported through a time portal to the times of the Mahabharata during the Dwapara Yuga, and meets Gatotkacha and his mother Hidimba, and an amazing friendship grows between him and Ghatotkacha. One that seems to be able to segue across any kind of difference.

"I am the rakshasa Ghatotkacha, born of the lord Bhimasena and the lady Hidimba. I rule over the hills and vale, jungle and stream, to protect the spirit of the forest and all who live in it"

Ghatotkacha  introduces himself, and the gentle giant, using a mastery of illusions and  rakshasa technology imparts some very simple and beautiful lessons, on love and the elemental forces of nature. And intertwined is Chintu's love for Ghatotkacha, the fascination for his time travel experience...... interrupted by cravings for Pizza and yearning for football. Wonderful stuff.

Was an absolute  joy to read !

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