Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Journey

A poem by English Poet and Philosopher David Whyte:


Above the mountains

the geese turn into

the light again

Painting their

black silhouettes

on an open sky.

Sometimes everything

has to be

inscribed across

the heavens

so you can find

the one line

already written

inside you.

Sometimes it takes

a great sky

to find that

first, bright

and indescribable

wedge of freedom

in your own heart.

Sometimes with

the bones of the black

sticks left when the fire

has gone out

someone has written

something new

in the ashes of your life.

You are not leaving.

Even as the light fades quickly now,

you are arriving.

A poem he apparently wrote for a friend undertaking the immensely harrowing yet hopeful act of leaving a wounding relationship and rewriting what was once a shared future into a solitary turn toward the greater possibilities of the unknown.

I've never really been too much into poetry, but this one was like an immediate connect. And I'm now wondering if it takes a lot of empty mind space to be able to understand poetry......maybe yes, maybe to me as I obviously took really long getting there,..........anyways, whatever it is, there's no taking away the simplicity and depth of  'The Journey'.

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