Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Intelligence is typically defined as the ability to learn or understand things or to deal with new or difficult situations. IQ tests which are globally accepted as the standard for testing intelligence are gradually being seen as limited in their reach. IQ tests would be good for those who are good with words and logic, but not necessarily so for those who don't have words and logic as their strong skills, and are yet really good at what they do. Here, traditional IQ scores do not seem to be reflecting  true intelligence.

The study of intelligence began in Paris in the late 1890s and was then readily accepted worldwide. Schools began testing children and adopting curricula that would help students improve their IQs. Getting into the right college or university is still often dependent on IQ, and on tests like the SAT and GMAT that are derived from IQ tests.

In the 1970s, Howard Gardner, a professor of education at Harvard University, started questioning the traditional definition of intelligence on which such tests were based. He found that people had many other gifts and talents that weren't necessarily reflected in the traditional ideals of intelligence. In 1983, Gardner published the book "Frames of Mind," which outlined seven different types of intelligence. Ten years later, he added an eighth type. This multiple intelligences (MI) theory became a popular model for understanding the many ways in which human intelligence exists.

The multiple intelligences theory claims that all humans have eight intelligences, to a lesser or greater extent, and that we each have a different intelligence profile. This profile is based on our genetics and our experiences, and it makes us unique from others. The intelligences are as follows:

Linguistic intelligence – This is the ability to use spoken and written language effectively to express yourself. Lawyers, writers, and speakers tend to have high linguistic intelligence.
Logical-mathematical intelligence – This is the ability to analyze problems logically, work effectively with mathematical operations, and investigate issues using the scientific method. 
Musical intelligence – This is the ability to perform, compose, and appreciate musical patterns, including changes in pitch, tone, and rhythm. Successful musicians, composers, and people involved in music production have high levels of musical intelligence.
Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence – This is the ability to use the body for expression. People high in this intelligence use their physical coordination to master problems. Professional dancers and athletes are good examples of this.
Spatial intelligence – This is the ability to recognize, use, and interpret images and patterns and to reproduce objects in three dimensions. Successful architects, sculptors and designers are likely to have high spatial intelligence.
Interpersonal intelligence – This is the ability to understand people's intentions, motivations, and desires. This intelligence allows individuals to work well with others. Professions like therapy, teaching, and sales attract individuals with high interpersonal intelligence.
Intrapersonal intelligence – This is the ability to understand yourself, and to interpret and appreciate your own feelings and motivations. Therapists, actors, caregivers, and writers are all people who can bring high levels of personal awareness to their work.
Naturalist intelligence – This is the ability to recognize and appreciate our relationship with the natural world. Astronomers, biologists, and zoologists are examples of professions with a high level of naturalist intelligence. 

Spiritual and Existential (asking the big questions) intelligence are two other areas that have been proposed, but these haven't been confirmed as "official" intelligence types.

Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences has created a new understanding of intelligence. It also emphasizes the importance of understanding what intelligence really is, and it's forced us to question the way we perceive intelligence.

And these studies are now paving the way to question our entire educational paradigm. The way we test ability, the efficacy of the learning system, the correlation of academic success to career growth and further onto happiness and achieving life's objectives.

People may instinctively known this to be true, but the meaning and aspiration of intelligence has become so deep rooted and conditioned that it now walks rigid paths, and those that break through get called outliers. The norm is what potentially needs to change.....we need more (acceptance of) Howard Gardners and Ken Robinsons.

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