Tuesday, January 7, 2020

An early morning dupe

Well, maybe I should say 'almost' dupe

Rather early in the morning, around 6 am, I was at the petrol bunk, likely the first car. It was a chill morning and the guys were still having their morning cup of chai.

I waited for them to finish and then said "diesel for 1500".

As is habit, I got off to check the zero setting on the meter before he started.

When I was getting my card swiped, I happened to look at the meter... and it was at 1200, and to my surprise I heard the click of it going off.

At first I thought I had got something wrong. I asked the guy who was handling the card machine why it was going off at 1200.... and that's when I saw the whole conspiracy play out.

The guy had the audacity to say "no, it was at 1500"......one guy realizing I wasn't going to take it..... pretending to yell at the other guy.... one acting as if he hadn't heard....all clearly evident  drama.

Only when I got off and said I'd report it, not just to their manager but with their names to the petrol company did they take me seriously....and then added in fuel for another 300.

I was (am) shocked at the ease with which they were cheating. And no small amount..... Rs.300 on a single transaction. How many of us check before and after. How many will not have caught that click. How many times have I missed it in the past, as I now recall often wondering why the fuel meter was indicating lesser than I'd bought.

Huge early morning lesson....and moral of the story: Checking the zero setting at the beginning isn't enough......need to ensure it reads right at end too.

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