Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Musings - Weirdness Quotient

IQ ( Intelligence quotient) and EQ (Emotional quotient), we're all pretty familiar with, but a scale for 'weirdness' brought on the smile.

An article on a few CEOs favourite hiring questions - and Tony Hseih, CEO of Zappos ( a company that's been exemplary on customer satisfaction, one we considered role model while designing strategy at Google) has for favorite  question "On a scale of one to 10, how weird are you?"

Why this triggered thought and why it brought a smile.....

I use the word 'weird' quite a bit..... and going by NLP, I had this little lurking worry that would perk up each time I used it :)

Reading this, took me on a sort of introspective tour of my own 'weirdness quotient'........... and surprise surprise........I realized that the 'weird' element in life (mine for sure) rightly deserves credit for a lot of the absolute 'highs' in life.

It's what enables the 'beyond usual' ........ the stepping out of comfort zone, the high risk moves, the hatke little stuff, the big and bold decisions, the random deep connects, the leaps of faith, the courage to stand up to self........all that enables the difference between 'existing' and 'living'.

And on second thought.....it reveals itself as kind of apparent too. 'Weird' is by definition, what's not normal, not accepted, not proven, not approved.....anything outside the known system.

 And that's when I understood why 'weird' could be seen as premium.

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