Thursday, November 9, 2017

Detachment Enables Complete Presence

It's so true that the deepest of life's truths seem to exist in their most baffling paradoxes..... that's just until the paradox resolves itself, and makes itself available to you as a simple truth. 

The deeper your detachment from self,  the deeper your capacity to be present.

Detachment comes not from de-attaching, not from non attachment, but from caring and loving so completely that it ceases to be about you. It's at one time the highest form of being 'complete from within', experiencing 'freedom from', yet being fully available for it a situation,  an action, an opinion, a person, self........anything. 

 It's what enables being 'fully present'.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure I understand the definition.But then I am a bit wary about any definition that talks about not 'being you'. Have found peace with focus on myself after a long time!
