Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Some Trivia

There's this sentence I used in the previous post:

'While I did a FDR ( factory data reset), for good measure, I downloaded this Clean Junk App too'

As I wrote, it had bothered me. When I read, it bothered me.  I knew it had something to do with the article....'a' before FDR, it just wasn't sounding right.

I wanted to take the liberty of putting an 'an' there, but then this whole ...a,e,i,o,u is so ingrained, that I couldn't do that either.

This morning I got up with knowing why..... FDR does warrant 'an'.

The a,e,i,o,u is phonetic you see, it's the phonetic sound of the first letter that decides the 'a' or 'an'

Not that my grammar is perfect, far from fact Diksha wonders if I even did commas in school....she was once like, you skipped it in choice, or what?

But this is to say how, if you have your question articulated before you go to sleep, more often than not, the answer makes itself known in the morning. Your subconscious mind is at work you see.....

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