Saturday, September 12, 2015

Nature or Landscaped?

I loved this story............ I've been chaffed way too many times on the issue of not wanting to sweep off fallen leaves. Notwithstanding literal... metaphorical, it still brought a smile 

A priest was in charge of the garden within a famous Zen temple. He had been given the job because he loved the flowers, shrubs, and trees. Next to the temple there was another, smaller temple where there lived a very old Zen master.

One day, when the priest was expecting some special guests, he took extra care in tending to the garden. He pulled the weeds, trimmed the shrubs, combed the moss, and spent a long time meticulously raking up and carefully arranging all the dry autumn leaves. As he worked, the old master watched him with interest from across the wall that separated the temples.

When he had finished, the priest stood back to admire his work. "Isn't it beautiful," he called out to the old master. "Yes," replied the old man, "but there is something missing. Help me over this wall and I'll put it right for you."

The priest lifted the old fellow over and set him down. Slowly, the master walked to the tree near the center of the garden, grabbed it by the trunk, and shook it. Leaves showered down all over the garden.

"There," said the old man, "you can put me back now."


  1. As you may sense, your disappearing off a telecom network has made me read all your blogs to feel connected......I feel this can be linked to the constant quandary of mind over heart. And if I was to put together random way we are told to live life.. "equanimity", "dharma" and so on, the mind seems to score and it seems like the emotions need to be controlled through the rational, ethical and spiritual thoughts of the mind...

  2. Wow , This is very abstract so beautiful ,Vishaka. Where was this part of you hiding all this while?✩✩✩✩✩
