Saturday, March 28, 2015

Magical Search for Co-incidence

I post the write up on the purple flowers yesterday morning, and my thoughts are quite naturally flowing in the direction of what it is that makes simple wants come true. Does the thought actually go out there to explore, initiate and steer a course of action? Does a process get going?

Looks like yes. Because the creeper wasn't there earlier, and that's about how long it would have taken for it to grow in.  So if I wanted to be a believer, I'd have to say, it turned direction when I started to want it, and it took these months for it to settle in and now it bloomed. There was a process, it's just that it wasn't me working on the process. The want was working on it.

What's the medium through which thoughts transmit?  What makes them happen simply and what complicates them? A small anecdote comes to mind, one which was sent to me by Prakash, a friend, (thanks there pal) way back, almost twenty years back, which was my first ever exposure and initiation into the power of the mind. 

It was about this woman who was figuring out the kind of guy she wanted in her life. She was like...I want him to be intelligent, I want him to be trusting, I want him to be charming, I want him to be witty, I want him to be good looking, I want him to be a dreamer, I want him to be compassionate.....and in the end she would be like, gosh, this guy is so perfect that I'll never get him. And that one negative thought was the most powerful because while the rest were all wants, the last one was backed by belief, or rather disbelief. So while all her wants were well placed they would not come to be, because she had no faith that they would. You need to have faith in your wants.

The obvious other extreme of the explanation is 'co-incidence'. 

Soon after I post, I'm making my way through all these thoughts, and how they work and stuff and for no known reason I open TED talks and casually browse and I chance upon this talk titled 'magical search for coincidence'. I click on this link. Seriously I wasn't consciously searching, they were just vague thoughts, and it amazed me. I almost felt like I was led.

Don't know enough about magic to know how it works, how much is manipulation, how much hallucination, skill, hypnosis or whatever, but I do know its as fascinating. I've dabbled a little in magic, the sleight of hand kinds, as a child. Maybe for that, or maybe for the surreal energy based possibilities it enables, it's always been a favorite, even the word itself ... m..a..g..i..c. Love it. And today it seemed to spring out of the laptop and say, 'Ask and You Shall Receive'. Even if it's just gyan, because at that moment I was just looking for, well....direction for thought. Simple wants :)

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