Wednesday, February 18, 2015

There's always scope...

I'm wondering if scope and hope actually have the same etymology.....well they so easily could, as its not just that they sound like they do, but how they also tie into each other.

It's this realization that ironically hits you (read 'me' here) almost when after years and years, you're just getting to a point in life where everything seems so right, when you think you've reached where you want to be. And there's a knock on the window.

A friend has this theory which goes something like this: the words you use tell you something about what you're struggling with at any point. Like for instance because I used the word 'struggle' as against any other, it could tell me something about my state of mind.

And so it would follow that if I pick to write on self awareness, it's something that I'm personally working on. And I guess it does have some truth in it.

Writing that actually made me step back and ask some questions of myself. At the same point as I was feeling like I'd peaked, it also struck me that nothing in life is ever static, (unless you stubbornly choose to make it so) and that peaks can actually be deceptive. They can be so beautiful that you could get carried away and just want to stay, but then it's an attitude. All one needs to do is ask if they can get better....and voila ! you find that they could.

CANI. Constant and Never Ending Improvement. There's always scope. The canvas can stretch, it can be repainted or it can be changed. It may appear like an effort, a struggle even, but it's all so worth it. It's to lead life and not just to live :)


I was always fascinated by kaleidoscopes. I used to make so many of them, as all it took was an empty shuttle box, pieces of mirror, a chunk of glass bangle pieces and...... the desire, and you had a pretty pretty world in your hands. Oh, just trying to say how a kaleidoscope represents the myriad beautiful dimensions of life that are always there for the picking!


  1. Hope is the mirror in your kaleidescope that shows the scope for variety variations changes chances . When u turn it u hope to see a better pattern . Hopes in life are the blood coursing through you wanting to have better best brilliant time in this time frame.

  2. hope! To know this is someone I know well, and not know who, is just so intriguing :)

  3. The connect is on thought level and not on personal feeling of familiarity.
