Sunday, February 1, 2015

Ajmer..... a Deeper Connect

When I visited Ajmer last month,and I said there was this whole feeling of ‘it was meant to be’, it was just this feeling, a want that you become aware of without understanding, but surrender to without question. 

This morning I’m talking to my mother and the conversation struck a cord……I realized the connect could actually be coming from way deeper than 'just a want'.  

What she said kind of intrigued me. Unlike what I had thought, this was apparently not my first trip to Ajmer. I’d been there as a child, maybe when aged one or two or maybe even earlier, and she'd felt such a deep connect to the Dargah, that she started sending them money every year, and they would send her back rose petals and some prasadam equivalent each time. And this she continued right through until just a few years ago and stopped only when the post office stopped doing money orders….a solid 40 years plus of the practice. And I wasn’t even aware of all this until she told me now, when she read the blog post. But I’m now wondering about the beyond-us factors that create connections.

You almost feel the something beyond that's at work, be it within yourself or in the universe. Like if one reaches out right, you can touch those channels which are otherwise beyond reach. It almost makes me wonder if we can work on the in the now, meditation, what have you, that enable access beyond the din and noise of the mind, into deeper recesses, be it within oneself, like into the subconscious levels, or even beyond, into the universe itself. That's as abstract as it gets :)

To me, even before I went, I knew the visit was going to be a tipping point in life. The take away? Listen to those wants, they are not as random as they seem. We may not immediately know all the connects, but they do enable energy shifts which have deep positive impacts.

Dargah Shareef

So thanks ma…grateful for the connect.

Rose petals.....focus and you can experience the fragrance, across space and time :)

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