Tuesday, November 7, 2017


Would have loved to have been writing about 'serendipity' itself ( love the word and all it stands for) but this is about the movie 'Serendipity'. A syrupy sweet, sort of contrived, and nicely over the top mushy story.

Can a once in a lifetime happen twice?

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Johnathan and Sarah meet by chance while Christmas shopping for gloves in Bloomingdales. Though both of them are already in relationships, and are actually gift shopping for respective lovers, they feel this incredible attraction and spend a couple of hours together over coffee, and what's more...at this cafe called Serendipity.

John wants to explore it further, but Sarah is not sure it's the right thing to do, because of existing commitments. She believes that if it was meant to be they would meet again. She doesn't even want to exchange names or numbers, and eventually settles for something quirky stretched.

She writes her name and number on a book she's carrying ( Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Love in the time of cholera) and says she's going to sell it, and if they're meant to be, the book would find it's way back to him. She similarly, has him write his name and number on a five dollar note and buys chocolates with it. The note and the book are now gone into the universe.

They go their own ways, leaving the rest to destiny.

Years pass, and they're both in serious relationships, one engaged and the other almost getting married, but neither can shake off this feeling that their soulmate is out there, and is not the one they're marrying. They both come back to New York with respective best friends, desperately searching and courting destiny. 

Several several near misses later,  the movie ends fairytale like. Serendipity doesn't happen without reason :)

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