Wednesday, February 8, 2017


When Worried, Stop Worrying.......Think

"Worry gives a small thing a big shadow."—Swedish Proverb.

Issues will come up....the ups and downs will happen, after all life's dynamic.

But worry? 

That's of our own making. We're hard wired to worry. But look at it, rather than help resolve, worry typically comes accompanied......... accompanied by anxiety, fear, stress, tension, headaches, irritability ........and such others which can only drag us down further, and take away from our ability to think.

Once in a space of worry, our thinking gets clouded, and we just get good at adding 'What If's' and we add so many to a likely already 'uncontrollable situation' , and that's what creates that big shadow.

Worry is more likely to interfere with the problem solving than help.

Sure, worry has a space. Can we use it to look at the issue, face it head on, strip it threadbare and know'll clearly see how much you can do and how much is in the non controllable zone. In how much you can do, find what you can in the present, and that's it, that's about all you can do. And know that that is the best you can do.  And your best is always good enough.

Try it...stop worrying and will give you so much surplus energy to do so many nicer things in life, to even just be nicer.

You'll see more positivity enter life, for yourself and by default, those around too.  

1 comment:

  1. So true. Reminds me of the quote: "I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened".
    -- Mark Twain
