Monday, March 14, 2016

Ariel | Share the Load

Simply brilliant !

Vishakha started this morning's call talking of this advertisement, and she was so taken in by it that I actually got it scene by scene and word by word.  And what I heard went way beyond words, it had touched a deep cord.......she knew they had caught the was all just there in her voice. 

We've had a lot of discussions on gender bias, at work, at home..........also specifically on how house work being a woman's responsibility is so much a part of conditioning.  Even with husbands who are understanding and nice, what one gets at best, is an offer to help. 

Guys, (dear men) we know you are nice, and that you care, and also that you intend well, but please understand....while the support and help is appreciated, what one needs is more.

What's needed is for it to reach a space where the wife can also turn back and ask, 'where's my green blouse? I put it for wash three days back'. That would be equality.

Shift the base........Take ownership and Share the responsibility.  

And for the Ad .....Huge Kudos P&G !!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Thanks for blogging about it. It just resonates everywhere actually. I feel even the men don't realise the difference between helping and taking responsibility. I was addressing these bunch of youngsters on women's day (delightfully, more men than women) and when I said "don't just help, take the responsibility", I got so many thoughtful nods from the guys in the room!So.. yup.. three cheers for dads#share the load... am sure there was a woman in the team at P&G.. :)
