Monday, January 25, 2016

Intelligence vis a vis .....sagacity, maturity, wisdom???

There was a time when I'd think Intelligence is what it takes 'to Know' 'to Understand'.

The ability to analyze, see the larger perspective, to go beyond what's visible, grasp the subtle, think quick........and that would be intelligence. 'Intelligence is what it takes to succeed'. That's what we've been led to believe. And then you get stumped when you see people who you know to be Intelligent, yet, just not getting it. 

And then you wonder.....

I thought this person was really intelligent (and he is), so how is he not getting it? And then I started to look for what this person would be.

This takes me back to an incident: I was on a trip to Vermont, and I'm telling Nammu, (my dear cousin who lives alone in the woods, by choice) about a friend at work, and I say 'he's one of the most intelligent persons I've ever ever met' and bang comes the question....'what do you mean by intelligent?'

And I go "emm....well...uh....he's just got this ability to see right through things, understand the why of things, ask the right the analytical ability to source and apply those answers....and ....."

And I realize today that if I didn't find a word then, I still don't have a word. Intelligence is only one of the factors in this kind of person, and there has to be that more......

I tried 'maturity' (but realized you can have mature without intelligent), so while maturity came close, it still fell through.

Wisdom and Segacity are nice, but they somehow seem to preclude the razor sharpness of a quick analytical mind, which is such a pleasure to watch, so dropped off.

Even Howard Gardner's list of Intelligences doesn't necessarily cover it. Sure emotional intelligence is a big part, but it's yet more.

And that ability is something which I think is dynamic, and that's really the best part. The open mindedness which is a pre-requisite actually abets its growth. And you pack in intelligence, and integrity and energy and curiosity and sensitivity...... and you have a veritable powerhouse there.

This might sound crazy abstract, and maybe even purposeless ( who said I don't love arm chair philosophy :), but look around you and you'll see it, or rather the lack of it. You'll find people who you've always known to be intelligent.......and do you see the cracks? 

That's when you figure that there's one fundamental difference. Intelligence is static, while that level of being is dynamic and all encompassing. Rare...but so beautiful.

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