Monday, April 2, 2018


The dots in title are kind of indicative of all the experiences from the trip that I want to capture. It's been close to a month, and I was wondering where to start, when a friend said, just start with the pictures and it'll all flow.

Did just that. And my very first picture, from the flight itself, caught my attention. Such an interesting geographical landscape. The river and what looks almost like elevated pieces of jigsaw puzzle on the right, the plateau I guess. This was Hyderabad to Delhi.

If the very first picture told a story, the rest had me drift away into the myriad experiences of the trip, especially so as it's a place we hadn't been to before. This quote so fits :)

When we got to Delhi, and I heard Tarun say "arre you guys, each time we meet, you're either going somewhere, or coming from somewhere",(last time we met was at Jodhpur and we were headed out for Jaisalmer and the Thar desert) .

Makes you glad, almost glad for your own love for travel, as it's such a fun thing to do, plus of course the learning and  widening of horizons.

Corbett became special, not because we saw a tiger, no we didn't, not even an elephant.... but because it was our first wild life travel, and that in itself was an awareness. When we pick travel, we can do the mountains or the beach or historical.....and somehow inspite of each of us being ardent animal lovers, we'd never done this. Just that realization was interesting. One more genre added in.

The adventure element began from the day before travel itself. My phone went kaput the previous evening (one I've been using for five years and that felt saaad). There was no way I could travel without one, right from having our cab to Corbett number in it, as we were going to be headed to Corbett straight off from the Delhi airport.....and so started the trip to Corbett.

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