Thursday, June 2, 2016

Where the Bees Go

We've all heard n number of times about 'focusing on change within, rather than on the external'  

In context of a product launch in Google, if I remember right, there was discussion on customer opinion and market need and feedback and stuff......... and this wise guy comes up with 'focus on your product, and the users will come.....make your nectar sweet and the bees will come'. 

This applies not just to a product, but across the board. It's just this subtle shift in focus.

You want others behavior to change....look inward, and change within, and this will invariably influence the dynamic

You want more readers on your blog....don't focus on spreading the word, focus on your writing

You want to achieve that sales target....focus on process and your pitch

You get the drift.....

                       Diksha's pic , on the way to Coonoor

This tree, which I used in yesterday's post, kind of exemplified this for me. It was a lone tree, nice, full spread, healthy, pretty spaced out.......... and, had almost thirty huge beehives on it. Look closely and you'll see them.

We did our oohs and aaahs on it.......this was in Bandipur, on our way to Coonoor, but missed a picture. We thought there would be many more such trees, but surprise, surprise, there wasn't even one other.(In fact we got the picture of the same tree on our way back.)

Guess it's doing something different. All the bees are there :)

And this kind of also shows how it's that 1 out of  100 who seem to crack that code. The power is really within, work on it, not just superficially, but authentically.......shift the energy within, and watch your whole universe change. Nice aha there !

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