Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Power of Thought

We've all heard lots on the Power of Thought...The Power of Intent.

It's not new....but let's try and understand a little more on how it works.

A small experiment to just show how the power of thought is something we experience on regular basis, even on our own bodies, but we're pretty much not conscious of it. And then we'll see how this stretches into the world beyond ourselves.

The easy one: Close your eyes, center yourself a little, and think of a nice...sweet.... juicy lemon. Cut it. Smell it. Lick it. Feel the taste........Mouth salivates?

A step further...Close your eyes. Center yourself. Think you've just landed in Manali.  It's cold and windy outside. You're going to the Everest base camp. You're surrounded by snow and there's a raging blizzard outside. You stay with that a few minutes and your body will soon start to feel cold.

Little more intense; there have been experiments under simple hypnosis, when a client is told that a burning cigarette is pressing into his palm. The cigarette used is not lit. Yet the palm develops a burn.

The Subconscious mind does not distinguish imagination and reality. It only reads the thought.

Just as the thought can make things happen on the body, it can also travel beyond.

Again, examples from everyday life.....knowing who's calling when the phone rings.... knowing which song is going to be played on the radio even before it starts playing.

How does this happen?

All physical reality is made up of vibrations of energy. And your thoughts too are vibrations of energy, just at a different frequency. And for the skeptics, this is no longer random concept or belief, it's what quantum physics says.

The more you think the same thought, the more power to that particular strand of vibration. And the Subconscious mind does not discriminate, it will equally earnestly manifest success or abundance, as it will failure or lack. It's mandate is to make that thought happen.

Focus on success and you attract success. Focus on fear and failure and you attract fear and failure. The whole concept of affirmations is based on this.

Thought recognizes neither time nor space......and it's on this principle that remote healing is based, be it through Pranic Healing or Reiki.

And it's this that also explains Telepathy, Telekinesis, Teleportation, Clairvoyance and all such. Which is why all those who mastered it, keep saying 'anybody can do it'.

Yet, we're such cognitive beings, that our rationality kicks in with that seed of doubt. What's brilliant now is that it also has a nice rational explanation. It does open up a whole new world...... hop on, and be ready for the roller coaster ........after all we're yet learning to ride :)

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