Saturday, June 27, 2015


TL....RL; Too Long.....Read Later

Part of life right? Especially in the inbox. I'm sure each of us has our own version of this in our inbox. I've always had, not one, but three. A 'Read later, But must'. A 'watch later' and 'Read at leisure'.

And the sad thing is that it's not often enough that we get down to those folders. Even with the 'But Must', I somehow don't seem to ever get to it. Couple of weeks back I happened to browse through these almost archived folders, complete clean up, and not surprisingly,  found some really really good stuff in it. 

So how do we resolve this?

Ideally, one would say, try and browse through soon as you get it, but that's really not possible, especially the long ones, or videos. You could be in the middle of work, or not in the right mood, whatever. And this is proper that 'Important' bucket we spoke about....perfectly fine to not do it, life will go on in nice quiet mode. But do we want that to happen? Can we catch that important stuff too? The life enhancers you know ....

My solution.....An hour on Sundays devoted to the TL ...RL folders of the inbox :)

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