Tuesday, January 14, 2020

the most awkward thoughts....

"the most awkward thoughts, are the ones that need the most airing" 

I heard this line recently, and it so resonated.

Most times these are feelings......likely deep feelings that mean much....yet stay hidden, unspoken, invisible...often times even to oneself.  They are there...felt...yet their recognition and understanding often happens only through their articulation. 

Often times these are in the category ....... want to express, need to express, is good to express. Yet we don't.  These are the scary emotions, the dark ones, the fearful ones, the vulnerable ones. 

What stops us?

Fear of judgement....of not being understood....of being criticized....and so on, even with our innermost circle. It's as much about trusting the other, as trusting oneself. 

These are a large part of creating real connection, honest connection, meaningful relationships.

From my experience as therapist I see this so often. People saying things they've never said to anybody before. Now isn't that a matter of concern. What kind of relationships are we keeping that we can't find even that one, two or three people who will understand.

It maybe worthwhile to examine our own spaces. How much of this are we doing.

Can we overcome that fear and let our awkward thoughts surface? Give that other person a chance of being there, of giving, of understanding. Give ourselves the chance of honest expression. It's the deepest bonds you can build, for them, and for yourself.  

Enables becoming a more honest expression of yourself.

As Carl Jung said "the privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are"

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