Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Birthday Bakra

I haven't been much of a radio listener, essentially preferring to listen to my own select songs on CD. But three days back I tuned into the radio in the car, and happened to catch the birthday bakhra by pandit prithvi on 94.3.

It was this most silly and obnoxious idea  ( something about an innovative formula that converts cowdung to concrete, and being used to cover the potholes of Bangalore roads, and needing fresh dung, so taking the cows along), like it was that ridiculous. 

Yet the listener ( apparently a biogas specialist) listened respectfully with neither disdain nor belief, like no real the joke was really not on the listener......but on the 'how' it was done.

I'm typically not given in to slapstick kind of humour ( I consider myself a fairly serious kind of person, and friends who know me will confirm the low rating on a sense of humor scale) yet, the deliverance of that bakhra thingy was so well done, that it had me in splits. I was driving by myself, and I almost got concerned, because my eyes started to tear up, and I just couldn't stop laughing, especially when prithvi himself burst out laughing without even completing the story. It was all in the way it was delivered I guess. And I write because, it can still bring up the smile.

Pandit Prithvi, take a bow dude, you were spectacular. Almost making me forget the potholes of Bangalore. And I've been listening since, and I really like your song selection too. So, from a new convert....Keep it going Radio One team !!

1 comment:

  1. Prithvi is the blue eyed RJ with an excellent sense of timing. Yes this segment is always hilarious. Ram would keep this station on for our journey (sic) from home to office. However thus segment would be aired during the mid part of our journey,when invariably we would be in an argument. Both would stop, listen, laugh and then go back to the argument. I agree. Take a bow. Fantastic in all language too.
