Saturday, April 16, 2016

Isha Foundation - Project Green Hands

Project Green Hands is the environmental initiative of Isha Foundation that works on increasing green cover in Tamil Nadu. 

The deforestation in Tamil Nadu is apparently so rampant, that four perennial rivers in the state have gone completely dry. There's a recent UNICEF study which says that, within another ten years, 60% of the land in Tamil Nadu will not be fit for agriculture. This may likely be true for more states than just TamilNadu.

It seems so true when it's said that this generation behaves like it's the last generation on the planet.

And then, it's so heartening to see the kind of work that the NGO sector does, be it Isha Foundation's environment initiative for increasing green cover or what SELCO is doing for energy intervention and poverty alleviation, and all the others who do so much great work. 

The apathy and irresponsibility of the powers that be is almost impossible to believe and digest, but then it's a harsh reality. 

Launched on World Environment Day, June 5th 2004, as a grass roots ecological initiative, the project has till date planted more than 24 million saplings by involving more than 1.5 million volunteers and mobilizing schools and communities across the state. They have an audacious and brilliant objective of planting 114 million trees and increasing green cover in the state to the required 33%. 

"Trees and Humans are in an intimate relationship, What they exhale, we inhale, What we exhale, they inhale. This is a constant relationship that nobody can afford to break or live without"

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