Saturday, April 9, 2016

Ida, Pingala and Sushumna

'Intuition and Logical Thought'

Right side brain and Left side brain, The Masculine and the Feminine, The Objective and the Subjective ..........

It's kind of amazing, but I've heard about this, in depth, from two completely different approaches, one spiritual and one scientific, all within twenty four hours.

One, from the Isha Yoga course which approaches it through Energy Pathways, and
Two, from a Spiritual Technologies Summit, which actually has a smart phone App to enable higher use of Intuition.

Both clearly agree that the key to 'experiencing' life is in finding the balance; but that, as mankind, we are moving more and more into Logical space, and further and further away from Intuition.

First from what I learnt at Isha Yoga:


He talks of three fundamental 'Nadis'; the Ida, Pingala and Sushumna, which are the energy pathways. Ida and Pingala are equivalent to the left side and right side of the brain, just that these Nadis are not part of the nervous system, but are the Energy Pathways...... they are not seen, but can be 'felt'. And Sushumna is the Nadi that balances both.

Ida and Pingala are the basic duality of existence, the Shiva and Shakti, or the masculine and feminine ( this is not to be confused with gender). They are qualities in nature. Like the objective and subjective, intuition and logic, art and get the drift.

The key is to finding the balance, and that's when Sushumna is awakened. Most people stay in either Ida or Pingala all their lives, and their central space, Sushumna remains dormant.

Once energies enter into Sushumna, you are said to attain Vairagya. Vairag means 'no color' and Raga means 'colour', so together it in essence means, you become transparent. You then reflect what's around you. If what is around you is green, you turn green. If whats around you is red, you turn red. You yourself remain unprejudiced and undisturbed. Wherever you are, you become a part of that, but nothing sticks to you. And it's in this state that you will dare to explore other dimensions of life, even as you live here.

Right now, you are reasonably balanced, but if for some reason the outside situation gets upset, you will also get upset in reaction to that because that is the nature of Ida and Pingala. It is reactive to what is outside. But once the energies enter into Sushumna, you attain to a new kind of balance, an inner balance where whatever happens outside, there is a certain space within you which never gets disturbed, which is never in any kind of turmoil, which cannot be touched by the outside situations. 

Once your energies enter into Sushumna, you will dare to scale the peaks of consciousness.'

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