Sunday, July 23, 2017

Café Society

A Woody Allen after a long while. It's one of his latest, in fact you can feel his age in his voice-over narratives which are an integral part of his story telling. He never fails to bring up the quirkiness of human nature, and it's refreshing...maybe just to not have to be right (??) all the time.

                                    Image result for cafe society movie

The movie starts with a swanky hollywood party, full with dropping names and high society etiquette. Young Bobby (Jessie Eisenberg)  is leaving New York for the glitz and glamour of Hollywood  and comes to his uncle Phil for help. He falls in love with Vonnie, (Kristen Stewart) his uncle's secretary, who is already in an affair with the (well married) uncle.

Vonnie, while also in love with Bobby, is torn in between, atleast for a short bit. Just until she realizes that the uncle is all set to leave his wife to marry her and she chooses money and fame over Bobby.

Bobby goes back to New York, becomes a successful night club manager, grows from a boy to man, falls in love with a beautiful socialite. And just when his life is nicely back on track, Vonnie walks back into his life again.

It has all those emotional conflicts that are Woody Allen's favorite spaces, moral dilemmas, broken dreams, suppressed desires....supposedly all ideas that come out of his own psychoanalysis sessions with his therapist, and guess he talks for many.

1 comment:

  1. The more you look around, the more you see the eternal conflict between the emotional and rational! the heart and the mind! Simplistically put, but that is just the first level of reconciliation.
