Thursday, May 19, 2016

Episode with Jayamma

This was a touching and thought provoking sequence, with Jayamma.

                                          Jayamma ...the only pic I have :(

Last month I had decided to move house, to a place across town. I had accordingly given my house owner a months notice and had likewise told Jayamma, my maid, that she had a month's notice as well, little realizing what a deep impact it would have on her. 

Each day she started asking why I was leaving and is there anyway I could rethink, and after a week she apparently started praying everyday. One day she brought a coin from her puja,  and said she was going to toss it, and it would tell if I would actually move. Strangely enough the coin said I would not, and though I told her that the decision was made, she somehow had stronger faith in her coin.

And true enough, a month later, the decision to move was dropped. Today, she took it upon herself to tell me why it had mattered so much to her. She said; 'I have a husband who is a drunkard. I work in four houses to run my family.  It's difficult. In your house....I get to take leave when I need it,  drink in the same cup as you, eat in the same plate as you..... but above all that, you never ever yell at me, not once ...... It's only coming to your house that makes me want to come to work every morning. That's why I prayed so much.' 

It brought tears to my eyes.  This is really not about me. It's just to show what a huge difference we can make, especially in that segment......... just treating them on par, treating them with respect.....that's it. 

These are such obvious where, maybe the conscious mind can work on the subconscious :)

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