Monday, September 21, 2015

The Fallacy of a Single Cause - A Corollary

While folks love to find that one single cause for an occurrence or event, if there's something in the vicinity that they don't approve of, you can be sure they'll pick it, and it will grow to almost become a cause for just about anything, typically anything that doesn't fit, anything perceived wrong .

 As example : say 'a career oriented woman' or 'parents divorced'

I've seen either of these  become a cause for all things that the children do which is even a little out of the way, be it getting a tattoo or coloring your hair or a skin piercing. And there are nicely packaged articles with arguments and justifications on why these children will do such stuff, like apparently because they are neglected and need attention.  

What does it take for folks to realize that if these children have parents who have done their own thing, as corollary they might also have known freedom to be themselves, and so they will experiment, will take it that one step further.

Makes me wonder just how limited our thinking is, and how smug we are in our ideas of righteousness. 

This reminds me of a story that Diksha had told me a long while ago. Apparently we carry all our negative attributes in a back pack, and so they are visible more to others than to oneself. True I guess. 

If only we become aware of that, and at least not get into a condescending attitude, might help us focus less on finger pointing and more on our own growth. There's enough and more to do there :)

1 comment:

  1. It is so easy to attribute the blame on to something else, rather than analysis logically.
    I believe that there is awareness that the attribution to single cause is debatable. But it is comfort and a way to push the blame onto that cause which is not in ones control.
    Touching the nose around the head.
