What could have been a casual and indulgent three hours turned into a deep and inspirational three hours......true for Jayashree, and true for me.
Last week was my first experience with 'urban clap', I've been hearing so much about it, I decided to open out of curiosity. It is such a neat and beautiful interface, evidently well designed, as I ended with booking a 'salon at home', which was by no means my intention when I started.
Two days later, at exactly the allotted time of 3 pm, in walks this petite looking lady, in urban clap uniform, a huge backpack and suitcase in tow.
She set about her business rather professionally and I was quite impressed.
Over the next few hours we got talking, and somewhere along I found not just an interesting, but an intrinsically courageous story starting to unfold. Until towards the end I was surprised and touched when she says "I don't think I've spoken so much to anybody else.....you must know more about my life in two hours than anybody else does"
A story worth knowing.
While it was no formal interview, and I was in no position to take notes, what with masks on my face and cream on my arms.... I'm still going to present it as one from memory, as it was actually a way longer chat than any formal interviews I've done.
Me: So Jayashree, since when are you with Urban Clap?
KJ: Two months, this is my second month.
Me: Aah..still new....is it working well for you?
KJ: Very well.
Me: Were you working elsewhere before? have you quit? how does it work?
KJ: I have my own salon at home, and before that I have worked in four to five salons.
Me: How did you hear about Urban Clap?
KJ: Urban Clap also has house cleaning services, and one of my relatives works with them, he told me about it.
Me: What is the process? Do they have many eligibility criteria?
KJ: Yes, they have an interview, with a long and detailed demo. Plus they need ten years experience. Actually, before the interview, there was a death in the family and I could not go, I missed the interview date and they said I can't join. I kept going and meeting them, saying please please please, give me an opportunity. Finally they agreed, and during the training, they called me aside as an example to others saying "look at her persistence, this is the attitude we need"
Me: Wow, that's wonderful, that you got in through sheer persistence.
KJ: Yes, and then they have training, where we have to take our own clients and practice on them, and that was also very difficult, to find people who are willing to be demo clients........and then they also have an exam. It is quite tough.
Me: So, getting in itself sounds like quite an achievement. And what you're wearing is their uniform? It's very smart. Do you like it?
KJ: Madam, the first day that I wore the uniform I cried. I cried a lot.....because I felt so proud to be wearing a uniform. I always wanted to join something which has a uniform, and this was my way of reaching there.
I had to drop out of college because my father passed away early, and that's when my sister made me do this beautician course. I didn't like it then, I didn't want to do this job.
After I got married I did a lot of jobs but it wasn't working out. That's when I decided to go back to this, but it was many years and I was out of touch. I started by practicing on people at home, then gradually started doing it for neighbors at half price. Over two years, I saved up money and then did the course again. That's how I restarted. I faced a lot of opposition to going into this line, but I was determined, and now I enjoy it a lot. And now I am also earning very well.
Me: Wow, that's sounds like a long journey...one that's touching and impressive. You must have a lot of courage to do what you wanted despite opposition. And persistence, to have saved money yourself and done the course. And now with urbanclap....this sounds like it has pretty much changed your life.
KJ: That is true madam, it has changed my life. But it was very difficult madam, and I was also very scared sometimes. I was not allowed to take the training at Urban Clap, but I still went and did it. Within one month I have earned so much that I was able to help people at home through some difficult situations. But still people get angry. They say I have become arrogant because I am earning well.
Tell me madam, I have told you so much about me....I don't know how..,,,but tell me, how do we handle such situations....
Me: So Jayashree, first tell me, did you ever think you would be earning so much in life?
KJ: Never madam, not even in my dreams could I think I will earn so much (I could see the tears brimming in her eyes as she seemed to look right into my soul as she said it)
Me: Jayashree, what you have become because you are earning well....... is confident, independent, courageous.....not arrogant. So say 'yes, I have changed, not just because of money, but because of all that...the growth, the exposure, the confidence, the independence....that's a lot of new things in life...... accept it, own the change, don't get defensive about it. You've earned it and you deserve it.
And I'm so happy to have met you, and to be sitting here and listening to your story of grit, courage......and success.
You can be an inspiration to many others Jayashree
( I was so amazed at how keenly she asked, listened and absorbed)
The feel had become so heavy that even I had tears in my eyes, and needed to quickly lighten space...."so, how do you move around with so much luggage?"
KJ: I use Ola ma'am, in one month I spent ten thousand on Ola.
O Wow....Congratulations and Good luck Jayashree...... and keep that smile and that courage going !!
Also, a huge kudos to UrbanClap and Ola for enabling this level of empowerment to so many people, especially women !!